
Mint supports expressions for referencing values and defining boolean logic in task definitions.


Expressions are denoted using ${{ }} in supported places within task definitions. For example:

  - key: greeting
    run: echo hello ${{ }}!


You can use expressions to reference values when defining:

And to implement boolean logic for:

Expressions are also used for configuring after conditions

Referencing Values

Reference init parameters:

${{ init.commit-sha }}

Reference vault secrets and OIDC tokens:

${{ secrets.SOME_API_TOKEN }}
${{ vaults.custom_vault.secrets.SOME_CREDENTIALS }}

Reference task output values:

${{ tasks.some-task.values.some-value }}

Boolean Logic

You can use (), &&, ||, ==, !=,=~, and !~ inside expressions for implementing boolean logic. When using =~ or !~, the right-hand side must evaluate to a string that can be parsed as a regular expression.

if: ${{ init.branch == 'main' }}
if: ${{ init.branch != 'main' }}
if: ${{ init.branch == 'main' || init.branch == 'production' }}
if: ${{ event.git.ref =~ '^refs/tags/v.+$' }}