Managed Runners for
GitHub Actions

Save more than 25% by running your GitHub Actions on runners managed by RWX. Migrate without having to make any changes to your workflows.

Managed Runner screenshot
Easy to migrate

Perfect compatibility with GitHub’s runners

We use the same system and image configuration that GitHub uses, so your workflows will work correctly without having to make any changes to them.

Perfect compatibility with GitHub’s runners
Customizable base images
Save time

Customizable base images

Quit running the same setup steps in every single job. You can configure our runners ahead of time so they've already installed the software you need to run your jobs.


Custom instance sizes

Big and small. Use the exact instance sizes needed for the work your jobs are running.

Custom instance sizes

25% cheaper than GitHub runners

Save more than 25% by running your GitHub Actions on runners managed by RWX. Migrate without having to make any changes to your workflows.

2 CPU 2 GB

❌ Not available

2 CPU 8 GB


First 3000 minutes free

4 CPU 16 GB


Custom sizes

❌ Not available

2 CPU 2 GB


2 CPU 8 GB


First 3000 minutes free

4 CPU 16 GB


Custom sizes

✅ Available

Save 25%
get started

Start using RWX Managed Runners

We're accepting new applications for RWX Managed Runners. Fill out the form below and we'll be in contact soon.

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