ABQ with Mint

Installing the CLI

Use the rwx/install-abq leaf to install the ABQ CLI.

  - key: abq
    call: rwx/install-abq 1.1.1

abq test

The abq test command will pick up tests from a queue created for your test run, and execute them.

An ABQ test run can consist of one or more abq test workers. Each worker will locally report the results of tests it's been assigned as it runs them.

Here's a full example of configuring an ABQ test run, using Mint's parallel configuration to determine how much the test suite is parallelized.

Be sure to replace YOUR_TEST_COMMAND with the command you normally use to run your tests in CI, including any arguments.

  # ... tasks that clone your repo, setup Ruby, etc. here
  - key: abq
    call: rwx/install-abq 1.1.1

  - key: tests
    parallel: 5
    run: abq test --worker ${{ parallel.index }} -- YOUR_TEST_COMMAND

You can pass any command as YOUR_TEST_COMMAND, as long as it appears after a double hyphen. For example, if you're using RSpec and have other flags that you're using, you could call:

abq test -- bundle exec rspec --tag integration

Run ID

Different abq test processes for a test run are connected to each other through a run-id. On Mint, ABQ automatically sets run-id to ${{ run.id }}. The default value is sufficient as long as you're only running a single test suite through ABQ in your Mint workflow.

If you're running multiple test suites through ABQ in a single Mint workflow, then you'll need to configure the run-id so that each test suite has a separate run-id with its own abq test processes.

We recommend suffixing the default value with a test suite name, such as ${{ run.id }}-rspec.

For the ABQ CLI, you can either pass the run id as a --run-id argument, or you can set it in an environment variable named ABQ_RUN_ID.

Captain and 'Retry failed tests'

If you use ABQ with Captain in Mint, Captain will add the ability to retry only the tests that failed for a task. To enable this feature with ABQ, you'll need to give Captain a retry command that invokes ABQ with the --local flag.

For example:

# .captain/config.yaml

    command: bash -c "abq test --worker $ABQ_WORKER  --reporter rwx-v1-json=abq-results.json -- bundle exec rspec"
      command: abq test --local --reporter rwx-v1-json=abq-results.json -- bundle exec rspec {{ tests }}
      path: abq-results.json
      print-summary: true
        rwx-v1-json: captain-results.json