ABQ with Your CI

Installing the CLI

To install the ABQ CLI, you'll need

  • an rwx access token
  • an install-id

The access token is used to authenticate against the ABQ API. Visit the access-tokens documentation for more information on creating an access token. abq will read the access token from an environment variable named RWX_ACCESS_TOKEN.

The install-id is used to ensure the same version of abq is installed on all CI workers working on a single test run.

An install-id should be:

  • unique to this CI run
  • consistent across all CI workers for this run
  • if you'd like to retry individual workers without re-running your whole test suite, the install-id should be consistent between attempts of the CI run

Some options might be:

# Buildkite

# CircleCI

# Generally

with INSTALL_ID and RWX_ACCESS_TOKEN set, download & install the CLI:

OS="$(uname --kernel-name)" # Supported values are Linux or Darwin
ARCH="$(uname --machine)"  # Supported values are x86_64 or aarch64

tmp="$(mktemp -d)/abq" && \
  curl -o $tmp -fsSL -H "Authorization: Bearer $RWX_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    "https://cloud.rwx.com/abq/api/releases/v1/$OS/$ARCH/abq?install_id=$INSTALL_ID" && \
  sudo install $tmp /usr/local/bin && \
  rm $tmp && \
  abq --version

Running your tests

First setup your test suite with an abq-compatible plugin (see: Test Framework Integration)

Then abq will need

  • the RWX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable you set earlier
  • its worker's index
  • a run-id

to use in a command like this:

abq test --worker "$WORKER_INDEX" \
  --run-id "$RUN_ID" \
  -- bundle exec rspec spec/features

the worker index should be 0-indexed, because the worker with index 0 will output aggregated test results.

Here are some worker indices for Buildkite and CircleCI:

# Buildkite

# CircleCI

The run-id should be unique to this run, attempt or retry, and test suite

If running a single test suite, it can be the same as the install-id you set earlier.

If running multiple test suites, it should be unique. For instance, with two rspec test suites & a jest test suite, you could use:


Then you can launch your tests with:

abq test --worker "$WORKER_INDEX" \
  --run-id "$RSPEC_FEATURES_RUN_ID" \
  -- bundle exec rspec --tag feature

abq test --worker "$WORKER_INDEX" \
  --run-id "$RSPEC_UNIT_RUN_ID" \
  -- bundle exec rspec --tag ~feature

abq test --worker "$WORKER_INDEX" \
  --run-id "$JEST_RUN_ID" \
  -- bundle exec jest