As of Captain 1.11.0 you can use captain run
captain partition
Partition your test suite leveraging test file timings.
captain partition [suite-id] [flags]
Feeding partition into captain run
captain partition example-suite-id \
--index \
--total \
captain run example-suite-id $test_files
Running an individual partition:
bundle exec rspec $(captain partition your-project-rspec spec/**/*_spec.rb --index 0 --total 2)
General Options
Displays help for partition command.
Required. The identifier of the test suite. This value should be unique to your Captain organization. It can also be set with the environment variable CAPTAIN_SUITE_ID
When neither --suite-id
nor the environment variable CAPTAIN_SUITE_ID
are specified, then the first positional argument will be treated as the suite ID. For example, if you run captain partition example-suite-id
then example-suite-id
will be used for the suite ID.
Partition Options
--delimiter <STRING>
Default: " " (space). The delimiter used to separate partitioned files in the output.
It can also be set with the environment variable CAPTAIN_DELIMITER
--index <INTEGER>
Required. 0-indexed index of a particular partition.
Default: false. Whether to naively round robin tests across partitions. When false, historical test timing data will be used to evenly balance the partitions.
--sha <COMMIT_SHA>
Sometimes Required. The git commit sha hash of the commit being built
If using a supported CI provider, this will be set automatically.
Otherwise, you may use this flag or set the environment variable CAPTAIN_SHA
--total <INTEGER>
Required. The total number of partitions.
This can also be set with the environment variable CAPTAIN_PARTITION_TOTAL