OSS Guide
The Captain CLI can be used in OSS mode without a subscription to Captain Cloud. To enable this behavior,
set cloud.disabled
in your .captain/config.yml
While the Captain CLI works well in OSS mode, you'll have to manually make changes to files in your codebase to update your flaky tests, quarantined tests, and timings. With a Captain Cloud subscription, we handle this automatically so you get the latest data in your builds as soon as it's available!
Managing Flaky Tests
You can mark tests as flaky to provide more fine-grained control over which tests the Captain CLI will retry.
Specifically, if you track your flaky tests, you can configure
to target your retries specifically
to tests which you've deemed to be flaky.
Marking a test as flaky requires you to use captain add flake
along with the
identity components relevant to your test framework (see the "Identifying Tests"
section). For example, RSpec works best if you pass the file
and description
of the test:
captain add flake your-project-rspec \
--file ./test/controller_spec.rb \
--description "SomeClass#some_method performs some action"
Once the flaky test is added, be sure to commit the changes to ./captain/*/flakes.yml
To remove a flaky test, you can either remove it manually by editing the file or you can use
captain remove flake
captain remove flake your-project-rspec \
--file ./test/controller_spec.rb \
--description "SomeClass#some_method performs some action"
Once the flaky test is removed, be sure to commit the changes to ./captain/*/flakes.yml
Managing Quarantined Tests
If you run your tests through captain run
captain quarantine
, marking a test as quarantined will tell the Captain CLI
that it should ignore any failed or timed out test results and prevent them from failing the test suite.
Instead of failing the test suite, the Captain CLI will indicate in its output which tests were quarantined.
Marking a test as quarantined requires you to use captain add quarantine
along with
the identity components relevant to your test framework (see the "Identifying Tests"
section). For example, RSpec works best if you pass the file
and description
of the test:
captain add quarantine your-project-rspec \
--file ./test/controller_spec.rb \
--description "SomeClass#some_method performs some action"
Once the quarantined test is added, be sure to commit the changes to ./captain/*/quarantines.yml
To remove a quarantined test, you can either remove it manually by editing the file or you can use
captain remove quarantine
captain remove quarantine your-project-rspec \
--file ./test/controller_spec.rb \
--description "SomeClass#some_method performs some action"
Once the quarantined test is removed, be sure to commit the changes to ./captain/*/quarantines.yml
Managing Timings
Partitioning your test suite with captain run
works best with up-to-date
timing information on the test files in your test suite. We recommend keeping these up-to-date by
running captain update results
periodically. The command takes one or
more test results artifacts and records how long each test file in those artifacts took. For example:
captain update results your-project-rspec ./tmp/rspec.json
Once the timing file has been updated, be sure to commit the changes to ./captain/*/timings.yml
Depending on the characteristics of your test suite, you can either run your entire suite serially (to
produce a single test results artifact) or you can run your test suite in parallel, upload the artifacts
to some intermediate storage (e.g. using actions/upload-artifact
on GitHub Actions), and then, once
all of the parallel steps have finished, download all of those artifacts (e.g. using
on GitHub Actions) and pass them to
captain update results
You can also update your timings with captain run --update-stored-results