Manual Trigger

Mint provides two ways to trigger a run manually.

The recommended way is to use the CLI.

If you prefer using the UI, the only way to currently do this is to configure the run with a cron schedule. We'll likely provide other ways to initiate runs in the UI in the future.


See the getting started guide for steps to install and use the CLI to initiate runs.

If you need to pass variables into your run, see the docs on init parameters.

UI via Cron

If a run is configured with a cron schedule, you can manually start it in the UI at any time (not only when scheduled).

If you configure a cron trigger with the if condition set to ${{ false }}, then the run will never execute automatically, but you can invoke it manually from the UI.

    - key: manual-run
      if: ${{ false }}
      schedule: '0 0 * * *' # irrelevant due to "if false"

  - key: hello-world
    run: echo "hello world"

See the documentation for cron schedules.